10 Ways to go shopping at yard sales PREPARED.
- The comforts: shoes, your own water or soda, a map of where you are going. Today that means GPS, map on an android phone or print outs from mapquest or google maps. Things that will keep you comfortable in the car for a full day, pillows, etc.
- The Food and Drinks: Take a small cooler with an ice pack and add your own drinks and a sandwich or a few snacks. Great way to save yourself some money stopping at a gas station or fast food joint.
- The Cash: Have cash in hand, lots of ones, fives and tens and change is good too - lots of quarter items for sale. It gives more room for negotiating that lower price.
- The Storage: Make sure your backseat and trunk are open for adding new finds. Take some plastic bags, fabric bags and maybe a box. It's nice to have your own to carry more then one item and to keep it all together.
- A List: What you are looking for, brands, clothes and shoe sizes for whomever you are shopping for.
- THE Map or MAP Ap: Add the addresses into your GPS system or use a phone ap to see the pin pointed areas of sales and create that route of where you are going first second and third.
- The Time: Write down the start and end times for each of the sales you plan to go to. That is mainly useful to figure out where to go first and last. Anything in between is not really an issue.
- Extras: If you use a wheel chair or walker or have oxygen, make sure you have those items and extra bottles of air to last for the time you plan to shop around. If a sale ad has a contact phone number or email, ask them if you would have access with any assisted items you use to get yourself around. Take sunglasses, sunblock and a hat.
- The entertainment: Well if you have a friend with you, no need for filling drive time since talking to each other will do wonderfully. Discs for playing your favorite songs. Kids toys, drawing items or electronic toys to keep them occupied between sales.
- Know your Prices: The object of Negotiations is to come prepared so you know what to offer and get the deal you want. If you searched a bit ahead of time, you will know prices of new items, used items, what it shows up on eBay or what a friend paid for a used item.
- http://www.mygarageandyardsales.com/Tips_and_Links.html
When you plan to “Wed” what do you “Web” about?
Article By Bridal Letter, Brenda Green (c) 2011 http://www.bridalblog.bridalletter.com/ and http://www.bridalletter.blogspot.com/ 3/19/2011
Wedding websites are a spectacular way to share yourselves with your loved ones and keep them up-to-date on events leading up to the day, your “Big Day” and then afterwards. Viewers get more insight about who you both are and what your life styles look like.
12 things to include on the website:Home page to introduce yourselves, with a slide show of pictures, a count down or wedding date with your names at the top.
Photos under Album.
Video – Over 80% of people watch a video online every day.
Audio –a song planned for the reception.
R.S.V.P electronically.
Information for out of town guests (limited).
Extra Information (such as “adult only reception”).
Thank you.
Contact us form.
Blog which also allows comments from people (make sure you have the option to monitor and approve the comments before they post to your site, preventing negative situations.)
4 types of information to LimitFamily and friends.
Planning details.
Directions/addresses (indicate city state only) with note to see your invitations for the enclosed map.
6 things to NEVER List on the website:Wish list (a more subtle way will be images you post showing you playing with your pet, a special activity you both share, travel fanatics or some other thing you do that would spark an idea for a gift.)
Mailing list.
Vendors (unless your wedding is a media event too, then yes at your discretion.)
Addresses and a map or exact directions with time of the events.
Highly personal information like – dates of birth, problems you feel you are having with vendors or conflicts with family or friends.
Phone numbers.
Always keep in mind, opportunistic people (such as criminals) scan the Internet for information that tells them you will be away at a specific time; so they can find your home(s) and rob you of anything valuable in a matter of 5-15 minutes. Personal information such as date of birth with your names and personal information like what your favorite thing is = a possible password one can use for identity theft purposes.
Listing your vendors is nice just for your vendors. It makes sense for a media wedding since people want to be in the know. We love to model after the famous when we can afford to!
What if I don’t know how to design a wedding website? journaling with the added benefit of work experience in the creativity and wedding fields. It may be worth it for you to hire an expert to do it for you (DIY); plus receive an exclusive bonus on how to make your website a lasting keepsake!
I can work on an existing site you started, or create one on this site. http://bridalletter.(yournameshere).com Or secure a domain via a free site or GoDaddy.com
Email b@bridalletter.com for information and pricing (budget bride pricing) or use the contact us form to get your website started today!